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//-- Node IoC - Test - Command - Test

import Command from '../../console/Command';

 * Command that tests the application.
 * @memberof test.commands
 * @augments console.Command
 * @hideconstructor
class TestCommand extends Command {

	 * Class dependencies: <code>['test.type']</code>.
	 * @type {Array<string>}
	static get dependencies() {
		return (super.dependencies || []).concat(['test.type']);

	 * @inheritdoc
	get name() {
		return 'test';

	 * @inheritdoc
	get description() {
		return this.t('commands.test.description');

	 * @inheritdoc
	get options() {
		return [
			['engine', 'jest', this.t('commands.test.options.engine')],
			['type',   null,   this.t('commands.test.options.type')]

	 * @inheritdoc
	get flags() {
		return [
			[this.testType.UNIT,        this.t('commands.test.flags.unit')],
			[this.testType.FEATURE,     this.t('commands.test.flags.feature')],
			[this.testType.ENDTOEND,    this.t('commands.test.flags.endtoend')],
			[this.testType.INTEGRATION, this.t('commands.test.flags.integration')]

	 * @inheritdoc
	handle() {
		return this.runTestEngine();

	 * Run test engine on the requested test classes.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	runTestEngine() {
		const repositoryName = this.getRepositoryName();

		const engine = this.getEngine();

		return this.run(`${engine.path} ${this.app.testPath('bootstrap')}`);

	 * Resolve repository name based on input.
	 * @returns {string} The repository name.
	getRepositoryName() {
		let type    = this.option('type');
		const types = this.testType.values();

		if (type && !['all', ...types].includes(type)) {
			throw new TypeError(`You must run a valid test type in [${types.join(',')}]`);

		if (!type) {
			type = types.find((flag) => { return this.flag(flag); }) || 'all';

		return this.repositories[type];

	 * Store repository name in current process environment.
	 * @param {string} repositoryName - The repository name.
	 * @returns {test.commands.TestCommand} The current command instance.
	storeRepositoryName(repositoryName) {
		process.env.TEST_REPOSITORY = repositoryName; // eslint-disable-line no-process-env

		return this;

	 * Resolve engine name based on input.
	 * @returns {string} The engine short name.
	getEngineName() {
		return this.option('engine');

	 * Get engine implementation from application.
	 * @returns {*} The test engine instance.
	getEngine() {
		return this.app.make(`test.engine.${this.getEngineName()}`);

	 * Store engine name in the current process environment variables.
	 * @param {string} engineName - The engine short name.
	 * @returns {test.commands.TestCommand} The current command instance.
	storeEngineName(engineName) {
		process.env.TEST_ENGINE = engineName; // eslint-disable-line no-process-env

		return this;

	 * Format current arguments to fit the engine CLI argument model.
	 * @returns {test.commands.TestCommand} The current command instance.
	formatArgv() {
		const { argv } = process;

		process.env.TEST_ARGV = JSON.stringify(argv); // eslint-disable-line no-process-env
		const nameIndex = argv.indexOf(this.name);
		process.argv = nameIndex > -1 ? argv.slice(0, nameIndex + 1) : argv;

		return this;

	 * List of all available repositories associated to the type option possible value.
	 * @type {object<string, string>}
	get repositories() {
		return {
			'':                          'test',
			'all':                       'test',
			[this.testType.UNIT]:        'test.unit',
			[this.testType.FEATURE]:     'test.feature',
			[this.testType.ENDTOEND]:    'test.endtoend',
			[this.testType.INTEGRATION]: 'test.integration'


export default TestCommand;