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//-- Node IoC - Support - Command - Make Mixin

import GeneratorCommand from '../../console/GeneratorCommand';

 * Command that makes a mixin scaffold inside application bootstrapper.
 * @memberof support.commands
 * @augments console.GeneratorCommand
 * @hideconstructor
class MakeMixinCommand extends GeneratorCommand {

	 * @inheritdoc
	get name() {
		return 'make:mixin';

	 * @inheritdoc
	get destination() {
		return this.app.sourcePath('bootstrap', 'mixins');

	 * @inheritdoc
	get files() {
		return {
			base: this.app.formatPath(__dirname, 'stubs', 'mixin.stub')

	 * @inheritdoc
	get parameters() {
		return [
			['name', true, null, this.t('commands.make-mixin.parameters.name')]

	 * @inheritdoc
	get flags() {
		return [
			['noBootstrap', this.t('commands.make-mixin.flags.no-bootstrap')]

	 * @inheritdoc
	get fileName() {
		return `${this.parameter('name')}.js`;

	 * @inheritdoc
	get patterns() {
		return {
			CLASS: this.getClassName(),
			NAME:  this.getMixinName()

	 * @inheritdoc
	async handle() {
		const name = this.parameter('name');

		this.debug(this.t('commands.make-mixin.messages.generating', { name }));
		await this.generate('base');
		this.info(this.t('commands.make-mixin.messages.success', { name }));

		await this.bootstrapMixin();

	 * Bootstrap the mixin in the application.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	async bootstrapMixin() {
		if (!this.flag('noBootstrap')) {
			const fileDriver            = this.app.make('file').driver();
			const mixinBootstrapperPath = this.app.sourcePath('bootstrap', ['mixins', 'index.js']);
			const importStatement       = `import './${this.parameter('name')}';`;

			const mixinBootstrapper = await fileDriver.loadAsync(mixinBootstrapperPath);

			if (!mixinBootstrapper.includes(importStatement)) {
				await fileDriver.writeAsync(mixinBootstrapperPath, `${mixinBootstrapper}${importStatement}\n`);
		} else {

	 * Get class name from mixin name.
	 * @returns {string} The mixin class name.
	getClassName() {
		return this.app.make('helper.string').pascal(`${this.getMixinName()}Mixin`);

	 * Get mixin name.
	 * @returns {string} The mixin name.
	getMixinName() {
		return this.parameter('name').split('/').pop();


export default MakeMixinCommand;