//-- Node IoC - Log - Services - Logger - Drivers - File Driver
import Driver from './Driver';
* Driver that logs into a file.
* @memberof log.services.Logger.drivers
* @augments log.services.Logger.drivers.Driver
* @hideconstructor
class FileDriver extends Driver {
* Class dependencies: <code>['app', 'file.engine', 'helper.file', 'log.level']</code>.
* @type {Array<string>}
static get dependencies() {
return (super.dependencies || []).concat(['app', 'file.engine', 'helper.file']);
* @inheritdoc
* @private
init() {
this.threshold = '25mb';
path: this.app.storagePath(['logs', 'ioc.log']),
level: 'debug'
* @inheritdoc
async log(level, message) {
const { fs, config: { path: file } } = this;
await fs.ensureFile(file);
await fs.appendFile(file, this.getFullMessage(level, message));
await this.adjustFile();
return this;
* Get full message to log.
* @param {number} level - The log level.
* @param {string} message - The message.
* @returns {string} The full formatted message.
getFullMessage(level, message) {
const formattedLevel = this.getFormattedLevel(level);
const formattedDate = this.getFormattedDate();
const formattedVersion = this.getFormattedVersion();
const formattedMessage = this.getFormattedMessage(`\n ${message}`);
return `${formattedLevel} [${formattedDate}] [${formattedVersion}]${formattedMessage}\n\n`;
* Get current formatted date.
* @returns {string} The formatted date.
getFormattedDate() {
return new Date().toISOString().replace('T', ' ').replace(/\.\d+Z/u, '');
* Get formatted level.
* @param {number} level - The level value.
* @returns {string} The formatted level.
getFormattedLevel(level) {
return (typeof level === 'string' ? level : this.LEVEL[level]).toLowerCase().padEnd(this.getLevelMaxLength());
* Get formatted message with proper spacers.
* @param {string} message - The message.
* @returns {string} The formatted message.
getFormattedMessage(message) {
return (typeof message === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : message)
.replace(/(?<lines>\n+)/gu, `$<lines>${this.getSpacer()}`);
* Get formatted application version.
* @returns {string} The formatted application version.
getFormattedVersion() {
return `Version ${this.app.version}`;
* Get maximum string length of available levels.
* @returns {number} The maximum length of all level in string version.
getLevelMaxLength() {
return Math.max(...this.LEVEL.keys().map(({ length }) => {
return length;
* Get white space based on maximum level length.
* @returns {string} A spacer that covers the longest level string.
getSpacer() {
return ' '.repeat(this.getLevelMaxLength());
* Ensure the configured file size limit is under the driver threshold.
* This will prevent memory leak if removing segment in a too large file.
ensureLimitIsUnderThreshold() {
if (this.hasLimit()) {
const { threshold, config: { limit } } = this;
const sizeLimit = this.fileHelper.parseSize(limit);
const sizeThreshold = this.fileHelper.parseSize(threshold);
if (sizeLimit > sizeThreshold) {
throw new TypeError(`Size limit of [${limit}] is over maximum threshold of [${threshold}]`);
* Adjust file content to fit under the configured size limit.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
async adjustFile() {
if (this.hasLimit()) {
const { fs, config: { path: file, limit } } = this;
const sizeLimit = this.fileHelper.parseSize(limit);
const separator = '\n\n';
let { size } = await fs.stat(file);
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
while (size > sizeLimit) {
const log = await fs.readFile(file);
await fs.writeFile(file, log.toString().split(separator).slice(1).join(separator));
({ size } = await fs.stat(file));
/* eslint-enable no-await-in-loop */
* Check if configuration has specified size limit.
* @returns {boolean} Indicates if a limit was set in the driver configuration.
hasLimit() {
return Boolean(this.config.limit);
* The async file system.
* @type {file.system.Async}
get fs() {
return this.fileEngine.async;
* File helper.
* @type {support.helpers.FileHelper}
get fileHelper() {
return this.helperFile;
export default FileDriver;