//-- Node IoC - HTTP - Services - Router
import __ from '@absolunet/private-registry';
import Route from '../Route';
* @private
* @typedef {object} GroupOptions
* @property {string} [as] - Route name.
* @property {string} [prefix] - Route path prefix.
* @property {string} [namespace] - Controller namespace to use.
* @memberof http
* @private
* @typedef {object} RouteAttributes
* @property {string} [asPrefix] - The route name prefix.
* @property {string} [method] - The route HTTP method.
* @property {string} [path] - The route path.
* @property {string|Function} [action] - The route action, either a closure or a controller action.
* @memberof http
* @private
* @typedef {object} BaseResourceData
* @property {string} name - The resource name.
* @property {string} method - The resource HTTP method.
* @memberof http
* @private
* @typedef {ResourceData} ResourceAction
* @property {boolean} single - Indicates that the resource handle a single instance and not a collection.
* @memberof http
* @private
* @typedef {object} ResourceData
* @property {string} action - The resource action name.
* @property {string} url - The resource URL.
* @memberof http
* The HTTP router.
* It wraps Express route bootstrapping into a convenient system that handles injection and names controller actions.
* @memberof http.services
* @hideconstructor
class Router {
* Class dependencies: <code>['app', 'server', 'router.handler', 'router.route', 'router.controller']</code>.
* @type {Array<string>}
static get dependencies() {
return ['app', 'server', 'router.handler', 'router.route', 'router.controller'];
* @inheritdoc
* @private
init() {
__(this).set('groups', []);
__(this).set('expressRouter', null);
* Register a new GET route with the router.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
get(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('get', path, action);
* Register a new POST route with the router.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
post(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('post', path, action);
* Register a new PUT route with the router.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
put(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('put', path, action);
* Register a new PATCH route with the router.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
patch(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('patch', path, action);
* Register a new DELETE route with the router.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
delete(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('delete', path, action);
* Register a new route responding to all verbs.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
any(path, action) {
return this.addRoute('all', path, action);
* Register a new route responding to all verbs.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
all(path, action) {
return this.any(path, action);
* Register a fallback route that matches anything in the current scope.
* @param {string|Function} action - The route action.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
fallback(action) {
return this.any('*', action);
* Create a redirection route.
* The redirection can either be permanent or temporary.
* @param {string} from - The path to redirect from.
* @param {string} to - The destination path to redirect on.
* @param {boolean} [permanent] - Indicates that the redirection is permanent.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
redirect(from, to, permanent = false) {
return this.any(from, this.withCorePrefix('RedirectController@handle'))
.with('to', to)
.with('permanent', permanent);
* Create a permanent redirection route.
* @param {string} from - The path to redirect from.
* @param {string} to - The destination path to redirect on.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
permanentRedirect(from, to) {
return this.redirect(from, to, true);
* Register a static path for files.
* @param {string} path - The path for static route serving.
* @param {string} folder - The folder where the static content is hosted.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
static(path, folder) {
return this.get(`${path}/:file`, this.withCorePrefix('StaticController@handle'))
.where('file', '[^\\s]+')
.with({ path, folder });
* Get controller name with core prefix.
* @param {string} name - The controller name.
* @returns {string} The fully qualified controller name.
withCorePrefix(name) {
const { coreNamespace, namespaceSeparator } = this.controllers;
return `${coreNamespace}${namespaceSeparator}${name}`;
* Add a controller binding.
* @param {string} name - The controller name.
* @param {http.controllers.Controller} controller - The controller class.
* @returns {http.repositories.ControllerRepository} The controller repository instance.
controller(name, controller) {
return this.controllers.add(name, controller);
* Create a controller group.
* @param {string} namespace - The controller namespace.
* @param {Function} group - The controller group closure.
* @returns {http.repositories.ControllerRepository} The controller repository instance.
controllerGroup(namespace, group) {
return this.controllers.group(namespace, group);
* Create resource routes.
* Uses the same controller for each resource route with the proper action.
* @param {string} resource - The resource for which the routes should be created.
* @param {string} controller - The resource controller name that will handle requests.
* @param {Array<string>} [only] - Indicates the routes restrictions.
* @param {boolean} [apiOnly=false] - Indicates that only API routes should be considered.
* @returns {http.services.Router} The current router instance.
resource(resource, controller, only = [], apiOnly = false) {
this.getResourceMapping(resource, controller)
.filter(({ name, api }) => {
return (only.length === 0 || only.includes(name)) && (!apiOnly || api);
.forEach(({ name, method, url, action }) => {
this.addRoute(method, url, action).name(`${resource}.${name}`);
return this;
* Create API resource routes, without "create" and "edit" routes, which normally show form.
* Uses the same controller for each resource route with the proper action.
* @param {string} resource - The resource for which the routes should be created.
* @param {string} controller - The resource controller name that will handle requests.
* @param {Array<string>} [only=[]] - Indicates the routes restrictions.
* @returns {http.services.Router} The current router instance.
apiResource(resource, controller, only = []) {
return this.resource(resource, controller, only, true);
* Create a route group.
* @param {http.GroupOptions} options - The group options.
* @param {Function} group - The group closure.
* @returns {http.services.Router} The current router instance.
group(options, group) {
const data = __(this).get('groups');
const index = data.push(options) - 1;
group(this, this.app);
data.splice(index, 1);
return this;
* Add a route in the route repository.
* @param {string} method - The HTTP verb, such as "GET", "POST", "DELETE", etc.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string|Function} action - The action that will handle the request.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
addRoute(method, path, action) {
const route = this.makeRoute({ method, path, action });
return route;
* Create a new route instance.
* @param {http.RouteAttributes} attributes - The route attributes.
* @returns {http.Route} The newly created route instance.
makeRoute(attributes) {
const data = { asPrefix: '', path: '', action: '' };
[...__(this).get('groups'), attributes].forEach((current) => {
.forEach(([key, value]) => {
data[key] = `${data[key] || ''}${value}`;
const { method, action } = attributes;
data.method = method;
if (typeof action === 'function') {
data.action = action;
return new Route(data);
* Get route or route group mapping.
* @param {http.Route} route - The route instance.
* @returns {http.RouteAttributes} The route mapping.
getRouteMapping(route) {
return {
asPrefix: this.getRouteAsPrefixMapping(route),
path: this.getRoutePathMapping(route),
action: this.getRouteActionMapping(route)
* Get route or route group asPrefix mapping.
* @param {http.Route} route - The route instance.
* @returns {string} The route name prefix.
getRouteAsPrefixMapping({ as }) {
return as || '';
* Get route or route group path mapping.
* @param {http.Route} route - The route instance.
* @returns {string} The full route path.
getRoutePathMapping({ prefix, path }) {
const formattedPath = (prefix || path || '')
.filter((part) => {
return Boolean(part);
return formattedPath ? `/${formattedPath}` : '';
* Get route or route group action mapping.
* @param {http.Route} route - The route instance.
* @returns {string} The route action name.
getRouteActionMapping({ namespace, action }) {
const formattedNamespace = (namespace || '')
.replace(/(?<last>\w)$/u, `$<last>${this.controllers.namespaceSeparator}`);
return formattedNamespace || (typeof action === 'string' ? action : '') || '';
* Generate route binding in Express server.
* @returns {express.Router} The Express Router instance.
generate() {
if (!__(this).get('expressRouter')) {
const router = this.server.getRouter();
this.post('/allo', (request, response) => {
this.routes.all().forEach((route) => {
const { constraints, path, method } = route;
router[method](this.resolvePath(path, constraints), (request, response) => {
return this.routerHandler.handleRequest(route, request, response);
router.all('*', this.routerHandler.handleRouteNotFound.bind(this.routerHandler));
__(this).set('expressRouter', router);
return __(this).get('expressRouter');
* Call the route handler.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {string} [method] - The HTTP method to use.
* @param {*} [request] - The request instance to use.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
call(path, method = 'get', request = {}) {
return this.runMiddleware(path, { ...request, method });
* Manually run middleware to programmatically process an internal request.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {request} request - The request instance to use.
* @returns {Promise<{code: number, data: *}>} The HTTP code result and the response body.
runMiddleware(path, request) {
const server = this.server.make().use(this.generate());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
server.runMiddleware(path, request, this.routerHandler.getInternalCallResultHandler(resolve, reject));
* Call the route handler associated with the given name.
* @param {string} name - The route name.
* @param {object} [parameters={}] - The route parameters.
* @param {object|request} [request={}] - The request instance to use.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
callByName(name, parameters = {}, request = {}) {
const route = this.routes.findByName(name);
const { compiledPath: path, method } = route.compilePath(parameters);
return this.call(path, method, request);
* Get the resource mapping data.
* @param {string} resource - The resource from which to get the mapping.
* @param {string} controller - The controller name.
* @returns {Array<object>} The List of resource action mapping.
getResourceMapping(resource, controller) {
return this.getResourceActions().map((action) => {
return {
...this.getResourceData(resource, controller, action.name)
* Get single resource route data.
* @param {string} resource - The resource from which to get data.
* @param {string} controller - The controller name.
* @param {string} action - The controller action name.
* @returns {http.ResourceData} The resource data.
getResourceData(resource, controller, action) {
return {
name: action,
method: this.getResourceActionMethod(action),
url: this.getResourceUrlMapping(resource, action),
action: `${controller}@${action}`
* Get available resource actions.
* @returns {Array<{name: string, method: string, single: boolean}>} The resource actions.
getResourceActions() {
return [
{ name: 'index', method: 'get', single: false, api: true, suffix: '' },
{ name: 'create', method: 'get', single: false, api: false, suffix: '/create' },
{ name: 'store', method: 'post', single: false, api: true, suffix: '' },
{ name: 'show', method: 'get', single: true, api: true, suffix: '' },
{ name: 'edit', method: 'get', single: true, api: false, suffix: '/edit' },
{ name: 'update', method: 'patch', single: true, api: true, suffix: '' },
{ name: 'destroy', method: 'delete', single: true, api: true, suffix: '' }
* Get single resource action data.
* @param {string} action - The action name.
* @returns {http.ResourceAction} The resource action.
getResourceAction(action) {
return this.getResourceActions().find(({ name }) => {
return name === action;
* Get single resource action method name.
* @param {string} action - The action name.
* @returns {string} The resource action HTTP method.
getResourceActionMethod(action) {
return (this.getResourceAction(action) || {}).method;
* Get single resource action URL mapping.
* @param {string} resource - The resource name.
* @param {string} action - The resource action.
* @returns {string} The URL for the resource for the specific action.
getResourceUrlMapping(resource, action) {
const { single, suffix } = this.getResourceAction(action);
let uri = resource;
if (single) {
uri = `${resource}/:${resource}`;
if (!suffix) {
return uri;
return `${uri}${this.app.isBound('translator') ? this.app.make('translator').translate(suffix) : suffix}`;
* Resolve Express path based on given path and parameter constraints.
* @param {string} path - The route path.
* @param {*} constraints - The constraints for route parameters.
* @returns {string} The resolved path.
resolvePath(path, constraints) {
return Object.entries(constraints)
.reduce((string, [parameter, constraint]) => {
return string.replace(new RegExp(`:${parameter}(?<slash>/?)`, 'u'), `:${parameter}${constraint ? `(${constraint})` : ''}`);
}, path);
* Get server instance.
* @returns {Express} The Express server instance.
getServer() {
return this.server.getInstance();
* Route repository.
* @type {http.repositories.RouteRepository}
get routes() {
return __(this).get('router.route');
* Controller repository.
* @type {http.repositories.ControllerRepository}
get controllers() {
return __(this).get('router.controller');
export default Router;