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//-- Node IoC - HTTP - Services - Handler

import __                        from '@absolunet/private-registry';
import checksTypes               from '../../support/mixins/checksTypes';

 * Route handler that handle all the pipeline from request to response.
 * @memberof http.services
 * @augments support.mixins.CheckTypes
 * @hideconstructor
class Handler extends checksTypes() {

	 * Class dependencies: <code>['app', 'config', 'http.error.mapper', 'router.controller', 'router.route']</code>.
	 * @type {Array<string>}
	static get dependencies() {
		return (super.dependencies || []).concat(['app', 'config', 'http.error.mapper', 'router.controller', 'router.route']);

	 * Handle HTTP request.
	 * @param {http.Route} route - Current route instance.
	 * @param {request} request - Current request instance.
	 * @param {response} response - Current response instance.
	 * @returns {Promise<response>} The processed response.
	async handleRequest(route, request, response) {
		this.prepareHandling({ route, request, response });

		try {
			if (this.isFunction(route.action)) {
				await this.handleRequestWithClosure();
			} else {
				await this.handleRequestWithController();
		} catch (error) {
			await this.handleRequestException(error);

		await this.terminateHandling();

		return response;

	 * Handle request when the route was not found.
	 * @param {request} request - Current request instance.
	 * @param {response} response - Current response instance.
	 * @returns {Promise<response>} The processed response.
	handleRouteNotFound(request, response) {
		const action = () => {
			throw this.getErrorInstanceFromHttpStatus(this.routes.findByPath(request.url).length > 0 ? 405 : 404);

		return this.handleRequest({ action }, request, response);

	 * Handle current request with give promise or result.
	 * @param {Promise<*>|*} promise - The current request process.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	async handleRequestWith(promise) {
		await Promise.race([promise, this.getHttpTimeoutPromise()]);

	 * Handle current request with closure attached to route.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	async handleRequestWithClosure() {
		await this.handleRequestWith(this.route.action(this.request, this.response));

	 * Handle current request with controller attached to route.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	async handleRequestWithController() {
		await this.handleRequestWith(this.callControllerAction());

	 * Get an internal call result handler to either resolve or
	 * reject the given request based on received HTTP code.
	 * @param {Function} resolve - The promise resolving.
	 * @param {Function} reject - The promise rejection.
	 * @returns {Function} The internal call result handler.
	getInternalCallResultHandler(resolve, reject) {
		return (code, data) => {
			const payload = { code, data };

			if (code >= 200 && code < 400) {
				return resolve(payload);

			return reject(payload);

	 * Prepare request handling.
	 * @param {{route: Route, request: request, response: response}} objects - The current route, request and response instances.
	prepareHandling(objects) {
		__(this).set('handling', objects);

	 * Terminate request handling.
	 * @returns {response} The current response.
	async terminateHandling() {
		const { exceptionHandler, response } = this;

		if (!response.statusCode) {
			response.status(exceptionHandler.hadException ? 500 : 200);

		const { statusCode } = response;

		if ((statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 400) && !exceptionHandler.hadException) {
			await this.handleRequestException(this.getErrorInstanceFromHttpStatus(statusCode));

		__(this).set('handling', {});

		if (response.headersSent) {
		} else {
			await new Promise((resolve) => {
				response.on('finish', () => {

	 * Handle exception that occurred during request handling.
	 * @param {Error} exception - The throw exception.
	 * @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
	async handleRequestException(exception) {
		await this.exceptionHandler.handle(exception, this.request, this.response);

	 * Call route controller action.
	 * @returns {Promise<*>|*} The request handling process.
	callControllerAction() {
		const { action: name, defaults } = this.route;
		const action = this.resolveControllerAction(name);

		return action(defaults);

	 * Resolve controller action method.
	 * @returns {Function} The bound controller method.
	resolveControllerAction() {
		const { action: name } = this.route;
		const controller       = this.routerController.get(name);
		const controllerMethod = this.routerController.resolveAction(name);
		const action = controller[controllerMethod];

		if (!this.isFunction(action)) {
			return this.throwControllerActionNotFound(name);

		controller.prepareHandling(this.app, this.request, this.response);

		return action.bind(controller);

	 * Get HTTP timeout promise.
	 * This promise will be rejected after a configured time lapse.
	 * @returns {Promise<Error>} The promise of a timeout error.
	getHttpTimeoutPromise() {
		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			setTimeout(() => {
			}, this.config.get('http.timeout', 30) * 1000);

	 * Get HTTP timeout exception.
	 * @returns {http.exceptions.TimeoutHttpError} The timeout error.
	getHttpTimeoutException() {
		return this.getErrorInstanceFromHttpStatus(408);

	 * Throw custom TypeError indicating that the controller action was not found.
	 * @param {string} controller - The controller action.
	 * @throws {TypeError} Indicates that the action was not found in the given controller.
	throwControllerActionNotFound(controller) {
		const name   = this.routerController.resolveName(controller);
		const method = this.routerController.resolveAction(controller);

		throw new TypeError(`Action "${method}" in controller "${name}" does not exists.`);

	 * Get HTTP error that matches the given status.
	 * @param {number} status - The HTTP status code.
	 * @returns {http.exceptions.HttpError} The HTTP Error that matches the status, or generic error.
	getErrorInstanceFromHttpStatus(status) {
		return this.httpErrorMapper.getErrorInstanceFromHttpStatus(status);

	 * The current route.
	 * @type {http.Route}
	get route() {
		return __(this).get('handling').route;

	 * Route repository.
	 * @type {http.repositories.RouteRepository}
	get routes() {
		return this.routerRoute;

	 * The current request.
	 * @type {request}
	get request() {
		return __(this).get('handling').request;

	 * The current response.
	 * @type {response}
	get response() {
		return __(this).get('handling').response;

	 * Application exception handler.
	 * @type {foundation.exceptions.Handler}
	get exceptionHandler() {
		return this.app.make('exception.handler');


export default Handler;