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//-- Node IoC - Foundation - Application

import * as os                 from 'os';
import * as path               from 'path';
import slash                   from 'slash';
import __                      from '@absolunet/private-registry';
import ApplicationBootingError from './exceptions/ApplicationBootingError';
import ServiceProvider         from './ServiceProvider';
import Container               from '../container/Container';
import ConfigServiceProvider   from '../config/ConfigServiceProvider';
import EventServiceProvider    from '../events/EventServiceProvider';
import FileServiceProvider     from '../file/FileServiceProvider';
import SupportServiceProvider  from '../support/SupportServiceProvider';

 * Base application service providers.
 * @type {Array<foundation.ServiceProvider>}
 * @ignore
const coreProviders = [

 * The main Node IoC application class that does all the bootstrapping over core providers and allow module registration.
 * @memberof foundation
 * @augments container.Container
 * @hideconstructor
class Application extends Container {

	 * Register a service provider.
	 * @param {foundation.ServiceProvider} provider - The service provider class to register.
	register(provider) {
		if (this.isRegistered(provider)) {

		const model = this.pushProvider(provider);

		if (this.booted) {

	 * Get provider model object.
	 * @param {foundation.ServiceProvider} provider - The service provider class.
	 * @returns {{instance: null, provider: *, registered: boolean, booted: boolean}} The provider model.
	getProviderModel(provider) {
		return {
			registered: false,
			booted:     false,
			instance:   null

	 * Ensure that a provider can be properly registered,
	 * either before or after booting, but not during providers booting phase.
	 * @throws {TypeError} Indicates that the provider was register during booting process.
	ensureProviderCanBeRegistered() {
		if (!this.booted) {
			const providers = __(this).get('providers');
			const wereAllRegistered = providers.length > 0 && providers.every(({ registered }) => {
				return registered;

			if (wereAllRegistered) {
				throw new TypeError('Cannot register a service provider during the booting phase. Register provider in the registering phase, either from configuration or inside a [register] method of another service provider, or after the application is booted, from the application [onBooted] method.');

	 * Insert service provider in the application at the end of the list.
	 * @param {foundation.ServiceProvider} provider - The service provider class.
	 * @returns {{instance: null, provider: *, registered: boolean, booted: boolean}} The provider model.
	pushProvider(provider) {
		const model = this.getProviderModel(provider);

		return model;

	 * Insert service provider in the application at the beginning of the list.
	 * @param {foundation.ServiceProvider} provider - The service provider class.
	 * @returns {{instance: null, provider: *, registered: boolean, booted: boolean}} The provider model.
	unshiftProvider(provider) {
		const model = this.getProviderModel(provider);

		return model;

	 * Boot the application.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	 * @throws {TypeError} Indicates that the application was already booted.
	boot() {
		if (this.booted) {
			throw new TypeError('The container was already booted.');

		try {

			const dispatcher = this.make('event');
			__(this).get('onBooting').forEach((callback) => {
				dispatcher.once('application.booting', callback);
			__(this).get('onBooted').forEach((callback) => {
				dispatcher.once('application.booted', callback);

			dispatcher.emit('application.booting', this);
			const providers = __(this).get('providers');

			// We use a for loop instead of a forEach to allow providers to register other providers,
			// so they can be properly registered and booted during application boot process.
			let i;
			for (i = coreProviders.length; i < providers.length; i++) {
			for (i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {

			__(this).set('booted', true);
			dispatcher.emit('application.booted', this);
		} catch (error) {
			throw new ApplicationBootingError(error);

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Boot core service providers.
	bootCoreProviders() {
		if (this.booted) {
			throw new TypeError('The container was already booted.');

		if (!__(this).get('booted.core')) {
				.map((provider) => {
					return this.unshiftProvider(provider);
				.forEach((providerModel) => {
			__(this).set('booted.core', true);

	 * Register the given service provider.
	 * @param {{instance: null, provider: *, registered: boolean, booted: boolean}} model - The provider model.
	registerProvider(model) {
		const { provider, registered } = model;
		if (!registered) {
			const instance = this.make(provider, { app: __(this).get('proxy') });
			model.instance = instance;

			if (typeof instance.register === 'function') {

			model.registered = true;

	 * Check if a given provider is registered.
	 * @param {foundation.ServiceProvider} provider - The service provider class.
	 * @returns {boolean} Indicates that the service provider was already registered.
	isRegistered(provider) {
		return __(this).get('providers')
			.map(({ provider: p }) => { return p; })
			.concat(coreProviders).some((p) => {
				return provider === p;

	 * Boot the given service provider.
	 * @param {{instance: null, provider: *, registered: boolean, booted: boolean}} model - The provider model.
	bootProvider(model) {
		const { instance, booted } = model;
		if (!booted) {
			if (typeof instance.boot === 'function') {

			model.booted = true;

	 * Boot the container if it was not booted yet.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	bootIfNotBooted() {
		if (!this.booted) {

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Configure application paths.
	 * @param {object<string, string>|string|null} paths - The paths to configure into the application.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	 * @throws {TypeError} Indicates that the base path was never defined.
	configurePaths(paths = null) {
		const pathsToConfigure = typeof paths === 'string' || paths === null ? { base: paths || process.cwd() } : paths;

		if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(pathsToConfigure, 'base') && !this.isBound('path.base')) {
			throw new TypeError('Configured paths must define at least the base path.');

		Object.keys(pathsToConfigure).forEach((p) => {
			this.bind(`path.${p}`, this.formatPath(pathsToConfigure[p]));

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Configure application namespaces.
	 * @param {object<string, string>} namespaces - The namespaces to configure into the application.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	configureNamespaces(namespaces) {
		Object.keys(namespaces).forEach((namespace) => {
			this.bind(`namespace.${namespace}`, namespaces[namespace]);

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Configure default paths within the container.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	configureDefaultPaths() {
		const basePath              = process.cwd();
		const appNamespace          = 'app';
		const sourceNamespace       = 'src';
		const distributionNamespace = this.formatPath('dist', 'node');

			app: appNamespace,
			src: sourceNamespace, // eslint-disable-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations
			dist: distributionNamespace

		return this.configurePaths({
			'home':           os.homedir(),
			'base':           this.formatPath(basePath),
			'config':         this.formatPath(basePath, 'config'),
			'lang':           this.formatPath(basePath, 'resources', 'lang'),
			'public':         this.formatPath(basePath, 'resources', 'static'),
			'resources':      this.formatPath(basePath, 'resources'),
			'storage':        this.formatPath(basePath, 'storage'),
			'test':           this.formatPath(basePath, 'test'),
			'upload':         this.formatPath(basePath, 'storage', 'uploads'),
			'view':           this.formatPath(basePath, 'resources', 'views'),
			'dist':           this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace),
			'bootstrap':      this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, 'bootstrap'),
			'database':       this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, 'database'),
			'routes':         this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, 'routes'),
			'app':            this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, appNamespace),
			'command':        this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, appNamespace, 'console', 'commands'),
			'controller':     this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, appNamespace, 'http', 'controllers'),
			'policy':         this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, appNamespace, 'policies'),
			'provider':       this.formatPath(basePath, distributionNamespace, appNamespace, 'providers'),
			'src':            this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace),
			'src.bootstrap':  this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, 'bootstrap'),
			'src.database':   this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, 'database'),
			'src.routes':     this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, 'routes'),
			'src.app':        this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, appNamespace),
			'src.command':    this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, appNamespace, 'console', 'commands'),
			'src.controller': this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, appNamespace, 'http', 'controllers'),
			'src.policy':     this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, appNamespace, 'policies'),
			'src.provider':   this.formatPath(basePath, sourceNamespace, appNamespace, 'providers')

	 * Replace bound paths that matches the given original one by a new one.
	 * @example
	 * this.bind('app.foo', '/base/foo/path');
	 * this.bind('app.bar', '/base/bar/path');
	 * this.bind('app.baz', '/some/baz/path');
	 * this.replacePaths('/base/', '/new/');
	 * this.make('app.foo'); // "/new/foo/path"
	 * this.make('app.bar'); // "/new/bar/path"
	 * this.make('app.baz'); // "/some/baz/path" (hasn't changed since not matching)
	 * @param {string} from - The original path to replace.
	 * @param {string} to - The new path that replaces the older.
	 * @param {boolean} isSource - Indicates that the replacement must affect.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	replacePaths(from, to, isSource = false) {
		this.getBounds().forEach((name) => {
			if (new RegExp(`^path\\.${isSource ? 'src\\.?' : '?(?!src\\.)'}`, 'u').test(name)) {
				this.bind(name, this.formatPath(this.make(name).replace(new RegExp(`^${from}`, 'u'), to)));

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Use specific home path.
	 * @param {string} homePath - The new home path.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	useHomePath(homePath) {
		return this.configurePaths({ home: homePath });

	 * Use base path for all registered paths.
	 * @param {string} basePath - The new base path.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	useBasePath(basePath) {
		return this.replacePaths(this.basePath(), basePath);

	 * Use application path for all application-related registered paths.
	 * @param {string} appPath - The new application relative path.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	useAppPath(appPath) {
		this.configureNamespaces({ app: appPath });

		this.replacePaths(this.sourcePath('app', ''),       this.sourcePath(appPath), true);
		this.replacePaths(this.distributionPath('app', ''), this.distributionPath(appPath));

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Use source path for all application-related registered paths.
	 * @param {string} sourcePath - The new source path.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	useSourcePath(sourcePath) {
		this.configureNamespaces({ src: sourcePath }); // eslint-disable-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations

		return this.replacePaths(this.sourcePath(), this.basePath(sourcePath));

	 * Use source path for all application-related registered paths.
	 * @param {string} distributionPath - The new distribution path.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	useDistributionPath(distributionPath) {
		this.configureNamespaces({ dist: distributionPath });

		return this.replacePaths(this.distributionPath(), this.basePath(distributionPath));

	 * Format given path or path segments.
	 * @param {...string} segments - The segments to join when formatting.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path.
	formatPath(...segments) {
		return slash(path.join(...segments));

	 * Get full path from given base path type.
	 * @param {string} type - The path type to use.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path or path segments from the path type.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from the path type.
	path(type, relativePath = '') {
		const basePath = this.make(`path.${type}`);
		const relativePathSegments = Array.isArray(relativePath) ? relativePath : [relativePath];

		return this.formatPath(basePath, ...relativePathSegments);

	 * Get full path from home path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from home path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from home path.
	homePath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('home', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from app path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from app path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from app path.
	appPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('app', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from base path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from base path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from base path.
	basePath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('base', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from config path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from config path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from config path.
	configPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('config', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from controller path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from controller path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from controller path.
	controllerPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('controller', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from command path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from command path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from command path.
	commandPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('command', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from database path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from database path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from database path.
	databasePath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('database', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from distribution path.
	 * If a type is provided first, the relative path to the source folder type will be returned.
	 * Otherwise, the full path from the source folder will be returned.
	 * @param {string} [type] - Either the source type name, or the relative path.
	 * @param {string} [relativePath] - The relative path from the given source folder type.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from distribution path.
	distributionPath(type, relativePath) {
		if (typeof relativePath === 'undefined') {
			return this.path('dist', type);

		return this.path(type, relativePath);

	 * Get full path from lang path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from lang path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from lang path.
	langPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('lang', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from policies path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from policies path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from policies path.
	policyPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('policy', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from provider path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from provider path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from provider path.
	providerPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('provider', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from public path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from public path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from public path.
	publicPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('public', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from resources path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from resources path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from resources path.
	resourcesPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('resources', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from routes path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from resources path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from resources path.
	routesPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('routes', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from source path.
	 * If a type is provided first, the relative path to the source folder type will be returned.
	 * Otherwise, the full path from the source folder will be returned.
	 * @param {string} [type] - Either the source type name, or the relative path.
	 * @param {string} [relativePath] - The relative path from the given source folder type.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from source path.
	sourcePath(type, relativePath) {
		if (typeof relativePath === 'undefined') {
			return this.path('src', type);

		return this.path(`src.${type}`, relativePath);

	 * Get full path from storage path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from storage path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from storage path.
	storagePath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('storage', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from test path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from test path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from test path.
	testPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('test', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from upload path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from upload path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from upload path.
	uploadPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('upload', relativePath);

	 * Get full path from view path.
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} [relativePath] - The relative path from view path.
	 * @returns {string} The formatted path from view path.
	viewPath(relativePath) {
		return this.path('view', relativePath);

	 * @inheritdoc
	flush() {
		if (this.isBound('event')) {



		const _this = __(this);
		_this.set('providers',   []);
		_this.set('booted',      false);
		_this.set('booted.core', false);
		_this.set('onBooting',   []);
		_this.set('onBooted',    []);


	 * Register 'application.booting' callback.
	 * @param {Function} callback - The listener.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	onBooting(callback) {

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Register 'application.booted' callback.
	 * Will be instantly called if already booted.
	 * @param {Function} callback - The listener.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	onBooted(callback) {
		if (this.booted) {
			return callback(this);


		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Set current application version.
	 * @param {string|number} [version] - The application version.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	setVersion(version) {
		return this.bind('version', (version || this.getIocVersion()).toString());

	 * Current Node IoC version.
	 * @returns {string} The current Node IoC version.
	getIocVersion() {
		return this.make(this.basePath('package.json')).version;

	 * Set the current environment.
	 * @param {string} environment - The environment.
	 * @returns {foundation.Application} The current application instance.
	setEnvironment(environment) {
		__(this).set('env', environment);

		if (this.isBound('config')) {
			this.make('config').set('app.env', environment);

		process.env.APP_ENV = environment; // eslint-disable-line no-process-env

		return __(this).get('proxy');

	 * Get current application version.
	 * @type {string}
	get version() {
		if (!this.isBound('version')) {

		return this.make('version');

	 * Booted accessor.
	 * @type {boolean}
	get booted() {
		return __(this).get('booted');

	 * Current environment accessor.
	 * @type {string}
	get environment() {
		const defaultEnvironment = process.env.APP_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'; // eslint-disable-line no-process-env

		if (this.isBound('config')) {
			return this.make('config').get('app.env', defaultEnvironment);

		return __(this).get('env') || defaultEnvironment;

	 * Current environment mutator.
	 * @param {string} environment - The environment.
	set environment(environment) {


export default Application;