//-- Node IoC - Console - Command
import __ from '@absolunet/private-registry';
import NotImplementedError from '../foundation/exceptions/NotImplementedError';
import NotInstantiableError from '../foundation/exceptions/NotInstantiableError';
import Flag from './models/Flag';
import Option from './models/Option';
import Parameter from './models/Parameter';
* Abstract command class.
* It allows to properly create a valid command into the command registrar.
* @memberof console
* @abstract
* @hideconstructor
class Command {
* Indicates that the command is abstract and should be skipped for execution.
* @type {boolean}
static get abstract() {
return this === Command;
* Command constructor.
* @throws {NotInstantiableError} Indicates that the command is meant to be abstract.
constructor() {
if (this.constructor.abstract) {
throw new NotInstantiableError(this.constructor);
* @inheritdoc
* @private
init() {
__(this).set('verbose', 0);
* Specify policies for the command.
* @type {Array<string>}
get policies() {
return ['public'];
* Command name accessor.
* @type {string}
* @abstract
get name() {
throw new NotImplementedError(this, 'name', 'string', 'accessor');
* Command description accessor.
* @type {string}
* @abstract
get description() {
return this.name;
* Command to forward the current command.
* @type {string|null}
get forward() {
return null;
* Preprocess args before handling the command.
* @param {object<string, string>} input - The user input.
* @returns {Promise<object<string, string>>|object<string, string>} A preprocessed input.
preprocess(input) {
return input;
* Handle the command.
* If it returns a value, it will be send to the postprocess method.
* @returns {void|Promise} The async process promise.
* @abstract
handle() {
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-returns-check
* Postprocess the handled data.
* @param {*} [output] - The output of the handled data.
* @returns {Promise|void} The async process promise.
* @async
postprocess(output) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
* Run node script in a new spawn shell.
* @param {string} command - The command to run.
* @param {*} [options] - The spawn options.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
run(command, options = {}) {
return this.spawn(process.argv[0], command, options);
* Run script in a new spawn shell.
* @param {string} command - The binary that will execute the command.
* @param {Array<string>|string} [parameters=''] - The command.
* @param {*} [options] - The spawn options.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
async spawn(command, parameters = '', options = {}) {
await this.terminal.spawn(command, Array.isArray(parameters) ? parameters : parameters.split(' '), Object.assign({ stdio: 'inherit' }, options));
* Call an existing command.
* @param {string} command - Command to call.
* @param {boolean} [internal] - Specify if the command should be processed as an internal process. If if should check the policies restrictions, set to false.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
call(command, internal = true) {
return this.app.make('command.registrar').resolve(command, internal);
* Forward current command to another command with the exact same arguments.
* @param {string} command - The command name that should be used instead of handling command.
* @param {boolean} [internal] - Specify if the command should be processed as an internal process. If if should check the policies restrictions, set to false.
* @returns {Promise} The async process promise.
forwardCall(command, internal = true) {
return this.call(`${command} ${this.terminal.args}`, internal);
* Format arguments from array descriptors to Argument instances.
formatArguments() {
const { argumentModels } = this;
const parameters = {};
__(this).set('arguments', parameters);
Object.keys(argumentModels).forEach((type) => {
const Argument = argumentModels[type];
parameters[type] = this[type].map((parameter) => {
return this.makeArgument(Argument, parameter);
* Create an Argument instance from the given data.
* @param {Function} Argument - The argument class to use, either a Parameter, an Option or a Flag.
* @param {console.models.Argument|Array<*>|string} data - The data to make as an argument.
* @returns {console.models.Argument} The made argument instance.
* @throws {TypeError} Indicates that the given data was invalid.
makeArgument(Argument, data) {
if (data instanceof Argument) {
return data;
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return new Argument(...data);
if (typeof data === 'string') {
return new Argument(data);
throw new TypeError(`Cannot create argument with the given data type [${typeof data}].`);
* Yargs signature accessor.
* @type {string}
get signature() {
const { name, args: { parameters } } = this;
const p = parameters.map(({ signature }) => {
return signature;
}).join(' ');
return `${name} ${p}`.replace(/\s{2,}/u, ' ').trim();
* Raw parameters accessor.
* A parameter is normally located after the command name in a CLI input: "node ioc foo:bar parameter --option=value --flag".
* @example
* [
* ['name', true, null, 'The required name.'],
* ['prefix', false, '', 'The optional prefix.'],
* ['suffix', false, '-foo', 'The optional suffix, which is set to "-foo" by default.']
* ]
* @type {Array<Array<string|boolean|null>>}
get parameters() {
return [];
* Raw options accessor.
* An option is normally located after the command parameters in a CLI input: "node ioc foo:bar parameter --option=value --flag".
* @example
* [
* ['foo', null, 'The foo option'],
* ['bar', 'baz', 'The bar option, which is set to "baz" by default.']
* ]
* @type {Array<Array<string|boolean|null>>}
get options() {
return [];
* Raw flags accessor.
* A flag is normally located after the command options in a CLI input: "node ioc foo:bar parameter --option=value --flag".
* @example
* [
* ['foo', 'Some flag'],
* ['bar', 'Some other flag']
* ]
* @type {Array<Array<string>>}
get flags() {
return [];
* Current arguments accessor.
* @type {object}
get args() { // eslint-disable-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations
let parameters = __(this).get('arguments');
if (parameters) {
return parameters;
parameters = {};
__(this).set('arguments', parameters);
return parameters;
* Get argument by type and name.
* Returns the argument value by default,
* but can returns the whole Argument instance.
* @param {string} type - The argument type.
* @param {string} name - The argument name.
* @param {boolean} [full] - Indicates if a full argument should be returned instead of the value only.
* @returns {*|Argument} Either the argument value or the Argument instance.
argument(type, name, full = false) {
const argument = this.args[type].find(({ name: argumentName }) => {
return argumentName === name;
if (!argument) {
throw new TypeError(`${type} [${name}] does not exists.`);
return full ? argument : argument.value || argument.defaultValue;
* Check if argument is supported by type and name.
* @param {string} type - The argument type.
* @param {string} name - The argument name.
* @returns {boolean} The argument support in the current command.
argumentIsSupported(type, name) {
return this.args[type].some(({ name: argumentName }) => {
return argumentName === name;
* Get parameter by name.
* @param {string} name - The parameter name.
* @returns {string} The parameter value.
parameter(name) {
return this.argument('parameters', name);
* Check if parameter is supported by name.
* @param {string} name - The parameter name.
* @returns {boolean} The parameter support in the current command.
parameterIsSupported(name) {
return this.argumentIsSupported('parameters', name);
* Get option by name.
* @param {string} name - The option name.
* @returns {string|null} The option value.
option(name) {
return this.argument('options', name);
* Check if option is supported by name.
* @param {string} name - The option name.
* @returns {boolean} The option support in the current command.
optionIsSupported(name) {
return this.argumentIsSupported('options', name);
* Get flag by name.
* @param {string} name - The flag name.
* @returns {boolean} The flag value.
flag(name) {
return this.argument('flags', name);
* Check if flag is supported by name.
* @param {string} name - The flag name.
* @returns {boolean} The flag support in the current command.
flagIsSupported(name) {
return this.argumentIsSupported('flags', name);
* Write raw data in console without any verbose restriction.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print in console.
write(...parameters) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
* Print spammy message for developers.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as spam.
spam(...parameters) {
this.print(3, ...parameters);
* Print debug information.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as debug.
debug(...parameters) {
this.print(2, ...parameters);
* Print log information.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as log.
log(...parameters) {
this.print(1, ...parameters);
* Print information.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as info.
info(...parameters) {
this.print(0, ...parameters);
* Print success message.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as success.
success(...parameters) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
* Print warning message.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as warning.
warning(...parameters) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
* Print failure message.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print as failure.
failure(...parameters) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
* Print information based on the print level and verbose level.
* @param {number} level - The level of verbosity of the print.
* @param {...*} parameters - Data to print.
print(level, ...parameters) {
if (this.verbose >= level) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
* Prompt the user with a question.
* @param {string} question - The question to ask.
* @param {string|null} [defaultAnswer] - The default answer.
* @returns {Promise<string>} The user answer.
ask(question, defaultAnswer = null) {
return this.terminal.ask(question, defaultAnswer);
* Prompt the user with a question requesting hidden answer.
* @param {string} question - The question to ask.
* @returns {Promise<string>} The user answer.
secret(question) {
return this.terminal.secret(question);
* Prompt the user with a confirmation statement requesting a yes/no answer.
* @param {string} statement - The statement to be confirmed.
* @param {boolean} [defaultValue] - The default confirmation value.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} The user confirmation.
confirm(statement, defaultValue = false) {
return this.terminal.confirm(statement, defaultValue);
* Prompt the user with a question having a list of available choices.
* @example
* command.choice('What color?', ['Red', 'Green', Blue']); // Answer 'Blue' -> returns 'Blue'
* command.choice('What size?', { s: 'Small', m: 'Medium', l: 'Large' }); // Answer 'Medium' -> returns 'l'
* @param {string} question - The question to ask.
* @param {Array<string>|object<string, string>} choices - The available answers.
* @param {string} [defaultValue] - The default answer.
* @returns {Promise<string>} The user answer.
choice(question, choices, defaultValue) {
return this.terminal.choice(question, choices, defaultValue);
* Print a table with list of models.
* @example
* command.table(['Key', 'Value'], [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'qux'], ['some key', 'some value']]);
* @param {Array<string>} header - The table header.
* @param {Array<Array<string>>} data - The table content.
table(header, data) {
this.terminal.table(header, data);
* Print multiple tables.
* @param {Array<*>} tables - The tables to print.
* @param {boolean} [sideBySide] - If set to true, the tables will be printed side by side instead of one under the other.
* @param {*} [options] - The table options.
tables(tables, sideBySide, options = {}) {
this.terminal.tables(tables, sideBySide, options);
* Initialize the output interceptor callback for the terminal interceptor.
* Doesn't enable the interceptor.
initOutputInterceptor() {
const capturedOutput = 'capturedOutput';
__(this).set(capturedOutput, '');
__(this).set('outputInterceptor', (output) => {
__(this).set(capturedOutput, `${__(this).get(capturedOutput)}\n${output}`);
* Initialize the output capturing phase with the default output interceptor.
* @returns {console.Command} The current command.
captureOutput() {
return this;
* Stop the output capture by the default interceptor.
* @returns {console.Command} The current command.
stopCaptureOutput() {
return this;
* Get the captured output.
* @param {boolean} [stopCapture] - Indicates if the capture should stop.
* @returns {string} The captured output.
getCapturedOutput(stopCapture = true) {
if (stopCapture) {
return __(this).get('capturedOutput');
* Translate with the translator service.
* If it does not exist, returns the given string.
* @param {string} key - The translation key to translate.
* @param {...*} parameters - Translator's translate parameters.
* @returns {string} The translated content.
t(key, ...parameters) {
if (this.app.isBound('translator')) {
return this.app.make('translator').translate(key, ...parameters);
return key;
* Get verbose level, from 0 to 3.
* @example
* "node ioc some:command"; // 0
* "node ioc some:command --verbose"; // 1
* "node ioc some:command -v"; // 1
* "node ioc some:command -vv"; // 2
* "node ioc some:command -vvv"; // 3
* @type {number}
get verbose() {
return __(this).get('verbose');
* Yargs instance accessor.
* @type {yargs}
get yargs() {
return __(this).get('yargs');
* Yargs mutator.
* @param {yargs} yargs - The Yargs instance.
set yargs(yargs) {
* Define the current Yargs instance.
* @param {yargs} yargs - The Yargs instance.
setYargs(yargs) {
__(this).set('yargs', yargs);
* Set the current arguments from the console.
* Those arguments should be processed by Yargs first.
* @param {*} argv - The Yargs arguments.
setArgv(argv) {
const { args: { parameters, options, flags } } = this;
const list = [...parameters, ...options, ...flags];
list.forEach((argument) => {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(argv, argument.name)) {
argument.value = argv[argument.name];
__(this).set('verbose', argv.v || (argv.verbose ? 1 : 0));
* Build yargs model.
* @returns {{builder, describe: string, command: string}} The Yargs model.
buildYargsModel() {
if (this.forward) {
const model = this.app.make('command').get(this.forward).buildYargsModel();
model.command = model.command.replace(this.forward, this.name);
return model;
const { parameters, options, flags } = __(this).get('arguments');
return {
builder: (yargs) => {
parameters.forEach(({ name, yargsModel }) => {
yargs.positional(name, yargsModel);
[...options, ...flags].forEach(({ name, yargsModel }) => {
yargs.option(name, yargsModel);
command: this.signature,
describe: this.description
* Yargs command model accessor.
* @type {{builder, describe: string, command: string}}
get yargsModel() {
return this.buildYargsModel();
* Argument models mapping accessor.
* @type {{options: Option, flags: Flag, parameters: Parameter}}
get argumentModels() {
return {
parameters: Parameter,
options: Option,
flags: Flag
* Output interceptor function.
* @type {Function}
get outputInterceptor() {
return __(this).get('outputInterceptor');
* The terminal interceptor.
* @type {console.services.Interceptor}
get interceptor() {
return this.app.make('terminal.interceptor');
export default Command;