

			(function(global, undefined) { var kafe = global.kafe, $ = kafe.dependencies.jQuery; kafe.bonify({name:'style', version:'1.3.0', obj:(function(){
				* ### Version 1.3.0
				* Common adjustment and manipulation methods for html layouts.
				* @module kafe
				* @class kafe.style 
				var style = {};
				* Equalizes the height css property of every element in a selector. If no height is currently present, the method computes the height values before equalizing. Elements must be visible at the time or will be considered as having a height of 0.
				* @method equalHeight
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector The affected elements.
				* @param {Object} [options] Additional options.
				*	@param {Number} [options.nbPerRow=0] Allows the elements to be compared in groups of a given number.
				*	@param {Boolean} [options.resetHeight=false] Resets css height of all elements to 'auto' before comparing.
				*	@param {Boolean} [options.borderBox=false] If true, heights will be computed as if the elements had the 'box-sizing' css attribute to 'border-box'.
				* @example
				*	kafe.style.equalHeight('.products', { nbPerRow: 3, resetHeight: true });
				* @example
				*	$('.products').kafe('style.equalHeight', { nbPerRow: 3, resetHeight: true });
				style.equalHeight = function() {
						$o          = $(arguments[0]),
						options     = arguments[1] || {},
						nbPerRow    = options.nbPerRow,
						resetHeight = !!options.resetHeight,
						borderBox   = !!options.borderBox,
						_doIt = function() {
								$z = $(arguments[0]),
								maxOuterHeight = Math.max.apply(Math, $z.map(function(){ return $(this).outerHeight(); }).get())
							$z.each(function() {
								var $this = $(this);
								$this.height( (borderBox) ? maxOuterHeight : (maxOuterHeight - ($this.outerHeight() - $this.height())) );
					if (resetHeight) {
					if (!!nbPerRow) {
						var max = Math.ceil($o.length / nbPerRow);
						for (var i=0; i<max; ++i) {
							_doIt($($o.splice(0, nbPerRow)));
					} else {
				* Replaces &lt;hr&gt; tags into &lt;div class="hr"&gt;&lt;/div&gt; tags to eliminate styling restrictions.
				* @method replaceHr
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} [selector='hr'] Restricts the process to a specific context.
				* @example
				*	kafe.style.replaceHr('.page-content');
				* @example
				*	$('.page-content').kafe('style.replaceHr');
				style.replaceHr = function() {
					var $e = (arguments[0]) ? $('hr:not(.kafe-replacehr-processed)', $(arguments[0])) : $('hr');
					$e.addClass('kafe-replacehr-processed').hide().wrap('<div class="hr"></div>');
				* Vertically align an element inside its parent. Elements must be visible at the time or positioning calculations will fail.
				* @method vAlign
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Affected elements.
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} [parent=DIRECT_PARENT] Container in which we want to be centered.
				* @example
				*	kafe.style.vAlign('.menu-items > .label');
				* @example
				*	$('.menu-items > .label').kafe('style.vAlign');
				style.vAlign = function(e, parent) {
							$this   = $(this),
							$parent = (parent) ? $(parent) : $this.parent()
						$this.css({display: 'block', marginTop: Math.floor(($parent.height() - $this.height()) / 2) + 'px'});
				// Add as jQuery plugin
				kafe.fn.plugIntojQuery('', {
					'style.equalHeight': function(obj, parameters) {
						style.equalHeight(obj, parameters[0]);
					'style.replaceHr': function(obj, parameters) {
					'style.vAlign': function(obj, parameters) {
						style.replaceHr(obj, parameters[0]);
				return style;
			})()}); })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);