

Version 1.0.2

Carousel, image scroller, ticker, whatever you wanna call it...

Source: dist/plugin/carousel.js



Attach behaviors to the carousel structure.

  • options


  • options Object

    Initial configurations

    • selector Object

      The carousel elements

      • container String|jQueryObject|DOMElement

        The carousel container.

      • [slides] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        The carousel slides.

      • [start] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to the first slide.

      • [prev] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to the previous slide.

      • [next] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to the next slide.

      • [end] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to the last slide.

      • [items] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable parent container of elements that will switch the carousel to a specific slide, assumes the children are in slide order.

      • [item] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to a specific slide via the data-kafecarousel-target attribute.

      • [play] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will switch the carousel to autoplay.

      • [pause] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Clickable elements that will stop the autoplay of the carousel.

      • [position] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Elements that will contain the current position.

      • [total] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Elements that will contain the total number of slides.

      • [status] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Elements that will contain a list of bullets indicating the status of the carousel.

      • [statusNum] String|jQueryObject|DOMElement Optional

        Elements that will contain a list of numbers indicating the status of the carousel.

    • [wrap = true] Boolean Optional

      If true, will loop back to the first slide upon reaching the last one. The same is enabled in reverse.

    • [transition = 'slideLeft'] String Optional

      Animation used during a transition. Possible values are slideLeft, slideRight, slideUp, slideDown and fade.

    • [speed = 500] Number Optional

      Duration (in milliseconds) of the transition.

    • [startId = 1] Number Optional

      Index of the starting slide, starting at 1.

    • [autostart] Object Optional

      Allows slides to change without a user interaction after a chosen delay.

      • [interval = 3000] Number Optional

        Delay (in milliseconds) before starting a transition to the next slide. The transition duration is included in the delay. As an example, an interval of 3000 combined with a speed of 500 will hold a slide still for 2500 milliseconds before starting the transition.

    • [preSwitchCallback] Function Optional

      Trigged upon receiving an instruction to change the current slide but before starting the transition. The following object is passed as a first argument:

      • data Object

        An object containing information relative to the transition in progress.

      • data.action String

        Current action being performed. Possible values are prev, next or item when using a specific index.

      • data.source Object

        Information about the slide being changed.

      • data.source.position Number

        Index of the source slide.

      • data.source.obj DOMElement

        Reference to the source slide.

      • data.target Object

        Information about the destination slide.

      • data.target.position Number

        Index of the target slide.

      • data.target.obj DOMElement

        Reference to the target slide.

    • [postSwitchCallback] Function Optional

      Trigged upon receiving an instruction to change the current slide but before starting the transition. Passes the same argument object as the preSwitchCallback.

    • [statusLink = false] Boolean Optional

      If true, will generate navigation links in elements linked to the carousel via data-kafecarousel-id and the data-kafecarousel-action="status" attribute.

    • [statusBullet = '•'] String Optional

      Text used as the content of generated link in a statusLink navigation.

    • [pauseOnHover = true] Boolean Optional

      If true, autoswitch will be paused while the mouse hovers a slide.


// Sample carousel structure
					<section class="home-carousel">
					    <ul class="home-slides">
					        <li><a href="#"><img src="/images/slide-01.jpg" /></a></li>
					        <li><a href="#"><img src="/images/slide-01.jpg" /></a></li>
					        <li><a href="#"><img src="/images/slide-01.jpg" /></a></li>
					    <span class="home-prev">Back</span>
					    <span class="home-next">Next</span>
					    <div class="home-status"></div>
// Attach behaviors using...
					var myCarousel = kafe.plugin.carousel({ selector: { container: '.home-slides' } });
// Carousels can be remotely interacted with using custom data attributes...
					var myCarousel = kafe.plugin.carousel({ selector: { container: '.home-slides' } });
// The jQuery alternative...
					$('.home-slides').kafeCarousel('init', {});


Manually call a slide change

  • target


  • target String|Number

    Action or 1-based slide position


// Go to next slide
// Go to first slide 
// The jQuery alternative...
					$('#home-slides').kafeCarousel('change', 1);