

			(function(global, undefined) { var kafe = global.kafe, $ = kafe.dependencies.jQuery; kafe.bonify({name:'plugin.sticky', version:'0.2.0', obj:(function(){
					$window   = $(global),
					$document = $(document)
				* ### Version 0.2.0
				* Sticky box
				* @module kafe.plugin
				* @class kafe.plugin.sticky
				var sticky = {};
				* Initialize sticky (has to be `position:absolute` with defined `top` `left|right` by default).
				* @method init
				* @param {Object} options Additional options.
				*	@param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} options.selector Element to stick.
				*	@param {String} [options.align='auto'] Specify `left` or `right` if your horizontal absolute positioning uses left or right instead of auto.
				*	@param {Boolean} [options.contain=false] If true, the sticky will become scrollable when it reaches the bottom edge of its container.
				*	@param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} [options.container=PARENT] Container in which to constrain the sticky.
				*	@param {Number} [options.topBuffer=0] Buffer in pixels before sticking occurs.
				* @example
				*	kafe.plugin.sticky.init({ selector: '#post-it' })
				* @example
				*	$('#post-it').kafeSticky('init', {})
				sticky.init = function(options) {
					options = options || {};
					var $e = $(options.selector);
					// if lone object
					if ($e.length == 1) {
							// options
							align      = (options.align == 'left' || options.align == 'right') ? options.align : 'auto',
							contain    = !!options.contain,
							$container = (!!options.container) ? $(options.container) : $e.parent(),
							// original position
							topOffset     = null,
							topBuffer     = (options.topBuffer) ? options.topBuffer : 0,
							originalTop   = parseInt($e.css('top').toString().substr(0, $e.css('top').length-2),10),
							originalHori  = $e.css(align),
							topMargin     = originalTop,
							sticking      = true,
							fromBottom    = false,
							initiate      = true,
							_updateOffset = function () {
								topOffset = $container.offset().top + topMargin;
							// on scroll & resize
							.on('scroll resize',function(event) {
								// current position
									position      = $window.scrollTop(),
									tippingTop    = topOffset - topMargin + topBuffer,
									tippingBottom = tippingTop + ($container.outerHeight() - $e.outerHeight() - (originalTop*2)),
									attr          = {}
								// onresize
								if (event.type == 'resize' && fromBottom) {
									$e.css('top', $container.outerHeight() - $e.outerHeight() - originalTop);
								// initiate the first time
								if (initiate) {
									sticking = !(position >= tippingTop && position <= tippingBottom);
									initiate = false;
								// if is about to stick
								if (position !== 0 && position >= tippingTop && (!contain || position <= tippingBottom)) {
									// stick it
									attr = {
										position: 'fixed',
										top:  topMargin
									// evaluate horizontal position
									if (align == 'auto') {
										attr.left  = 'auto';
										attr.right = 'auto';
									} else {
										// calculate offset left
										var $e2 = $e.clone();
										var attrT = { position: 'absolute' };
										attrT[align] = originalHori;
										var offsetLeft = $e2.offset().left;
										if (align == 'left') {
											attr.left = Math.ceil(offsetLeft);
										} else {
											attr.right = Math.ceil($window.width()) - (Math.ceil(offsetLeft) + Math.ceil($e.outerWidth()));
									// apply
									sticking = true;
									fromBottom = false;
								// if is about to unstick from top
								} else if (position === 0 || position < tippingTop) {
									// unstick it
									attr = {
										position: 'absolute',
										top:      originalTop+'px'
									attr[align] = originalHori;
									// apply
									sticking   = false;
									fromBottom = false;
								// if is about to unstick from end of container
								} else if (contain && position >= tippingBottom) {
									// unstick it
									attr = {
										position: 'absolute',
										top:      ($container.outerHeight() - $e.outerHeight() - originalTop)+'px'
									attr[align] = originalHori;
									// apply
									sticking   = false;
									fromBottom = true;
							// initiate
				// Add as jQuery plugin
				kafe.fn.plugIntojQuery('Sticky', {
					init: function(obj, parameters) {
						sticky.init($.extend({}, parameters[0], {selector:obj}));
				return sticky;
			})()}); })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);