

			(function(global, undefined) { var kafe = global.kafe, $ = kafe.dependencies.jQuery; kafe.bonify({name:'form', version:'1.4.2', obj:(function(){
				* ### Version 1.4.2
				* Utilitary methods for html forms and related interactions.
				* @module kafe
				* @class kafe.form
				var form = {};
				* Adds support for the placeholder attribute for older browsers (Older than IE10). If applied, a "Placeholder" class will also be present when the placeholder text is shown.
				* @method placeholder
				* @param {String} [selector] Selector of text-based form elements. Defaults to 'input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]' when left undefined.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.placeholder('.search-field');
				* @example
				*	$('.search-field').kafe('form.placeholder');
				form.placeholder = function() {
					var test = document.createElement('input'), placeholderSupport = false;
					if ('placeholder' in test) placeholderSupport = true;
					if (!placeholderSupport) {
							_isEmpty = function () {
								return (arguments[0].replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '').replace(/^\t*|\t*$/g, '') === '');
							selector  = 'input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]'
								focus: function() {
									var $this = $(this);
									if (_isEmpty($this.val()) || $this.val() == $this.attr('placeholder')) {
										$this.one('keydown', function() {
								blur: function() {
									var $this = $(this);
									if (_isEmpty($this.val()) || $this.val() == $this.attr('placeholder')) {
								change: function() {
									var $this = $(this);
									if (_isEmpty($this.val()) || $this.val() == $this.attr('placeholder')) {
									} else {
							}, selector)
								submit: function() {
									$(selector).filter('.Placeholder').each(function() {
							}, 'form');
				* Adds support for a pseudo-placeholder attribute for select elements. If applied, a "Placeholder" class will also be present when the placeholder text is shown.
				* @method selectPlaceholder
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.selectPlaceholder();
				form.selectPlaceholder = function() {
						.on('change.placeholder', function() {
							var $this = $(this);
							$this.toggleClass('placeholder', !!$this.children(':first:selected').length);
						.attr('data-select-placeholder', 'processed')
				* Detects the RETURN key, then triggers a callback.
				* @method onEnter
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Selector of text-based form elements.
				* @param {Function} callback Function to be fired by the keypress.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.onEnter('.search-field', function(input) {
				*		$(input).parents('form').submit();
				*	});
				* @example
				*	$('.search-field').kafe('form.onEnter', function(input) {
				*		$(input).parents('form').submit();
				*	});
				form.onEnter = function(selector,callback) {
					$(selector).on('keypress', function(e) {
						if (((!!e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode) == 13) {
				* Automaticaly jump the focus to the next field once the maxlength has been reached.
				* @method autofocusOnNext
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Selector of text-based form elements.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.autofocusOnNext('.first-name, .last-name, .email');
				* @example
				*	$('.first-name, .last-name, .email').kafe('form.autofocusOnNext');
				form.autofocusOnNext = function(selector) {
					$(selector).on('keyup',function(e) {
							$this = $(this),
							key   = (!!e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode
						// tab / alt+tab / arrows
						if (key != 9 && key != 16 && !(key >=36 && key <=40) && $this.val().length == $this.attr('maxlength')) {
							var inputs = $('input, textarea, select');
							inputs.eq( inputs.index(this)+1 ).focus().select();
				* Adds a simulated maxlength support for textarea elements.
				* @method maxLength
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Selector of text-based form elements.
				* @param {Integer} max Maximum number of characters.
				* @param {Boolean} [block=false] Prevent further character entry once the limit is reached.
				* @param {Function} [callback] Callback triggered when the character limit is reached. The current number of characters is provided as the first argument of the callback.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.maxLength('.twitter-post', 140, false, function(count) {
				*		console.log(count);
				*	});
				* @example
				*	$('.twitter-post').kafe('form.maxLength', 140, false, function(count) {
				*		console.log(count);
				*	});
				form.maxLength = function(selector, max, block, callback) {
						.on('input paste cut keyup',function(e) {
								$this = $(this),
								delay = (kafe.env.ie && kafe.env.ie < 9) ? 1 : 0
									val   = $this.val(),
									nb    = max - val.length
								if (!!block && nb < 0) {
									nb = 0;
								if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
				* Calculates the password strength value of given fields.
				* @method passwordStrength
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Selector of text-based form elements.
				* @param {Function} [callback] Callback triggered when the value is changed. The calculated strengh value is provided as the first argument of the callback.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.passwordStrength('.password', function(strengh) {
				*		console.log(strengh);
				*	});
				* @example
				*	$('.password').kafe('form.passwordStrength', function(strengh) {
				*		console.log(strengh);
				*	});
				form.passwordStrength = function(selector, callback) {
						_countRegexp = function (val, rex) {
							var match = val.match(rex);
							return match ? match.length : 0;
						_getStrength = function (val, minLength) {
							var len = val.length;
							// too short =(
							if (len < minLength) {
								return 0;
								nums = _countRegexp(val, /\d/g),
								lowers = _countRegexp(val, /[a-z]/g),
								uppers = _countRegexp(val, /[A-Z]/g),
								specials = len - nums - lowers - uppers
							// just one type of characters =(
							if (nums == len || lowers == len || uppers == len || specials == len) {
								return 1;
							var strength = 0;
							if (nums) { strength += 2; }
							if (lowers) { strength += uppers ? 4 : 3; }
							if (uppers) { strength += lowers ? 4 : 3; }
							if (specials) { strength += 5; }
							if (len > 10) { strength += 1; }
							return strength;
						_getStrengthLevel = function(val, minLength) {
								strength = _getStrength(val, minLength),
								lvl = 1
							if (strength <= 0) {
								lvl = 1;
							} else if (strength > 0 && strength <= 4) {
								lvl = 2;
							} else if (strength > 4 && strength <= 8) {
								lvl = 3;
							} else if (strength > 8 && strength <= 12) {
								lvl = 4;
							} else if (strength > 12) {
								lvl = 5;
							return lvl;
						min_length = 6
						.on('input paste cut keyup',function(e) {
								$this = $(this),
								delay = (kafe.env.ie && kafe.env.ie < 9) ? 1 : 0
									val = $this.val(),
									strength = _getStrengthLevel(val, min_length)
								if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
				* Sanitize form text entry for .NET validator.
				* @method sanitizeFormData
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Reference to the current .NET form.
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.sanitizeFormData('#Form1');
				* @example
				*	$('#Form1').form('form.sanitizeFormData');
				form.sanitizeFormData = function(selector) {
						$form = $(selector),
						data  = $form.serializeArray()
					for (var i in data) {
				* Replace elements with a submit button
				* @method replaceSubmit
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} [selector='input:submit'] Elements to replace
				* @example
				*	kafe.form.replaceSubmit();
				* @example
				*	$('.Search input:submit').kafe('form.replaceSubmit');
				form.replaceSubmit = function(selector) {
					( (selector) ? $(selector) : $('input:submit') ).each(function() {
							var $this = $(this);
								.after( $('<button type="submit" data-kafe-replacesubmit-processed="true" class="'+ $this.attr('class') +'">'+ $this.val() +'</button>').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.trigger('click'); }) )
				// Add as jQuery plugin
				kafe.fn.plugIntojQuery('', {
					'form.placeholder': function(obj, parameters) {
					'form.onEnter': function(obj, parameters) {
						form.onEnter(obj, parameters[0]);
					'form.autofocusOnNext': function(obj, parameters) {
					'form.maxLength': function(obj, parameters) {
						form.maxLength(obj, parameters[0]);
					'form.passwordStrength': function(obj, parameters) {
						form.passwordStrength(obj, parameters[0]);
					'form.sanitizeFormData': function(obj, parameters) {
					'form.replaceSubmit': function(obj, parameters) {
				return form;
			})()}); })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);