

			(function(global, undefined) { var kafe = global.kafe, $ = kafe.dependencies.jQuery; kafe.bonify({name:'ext.foundation', version:'0.0.1', obj:(function(){
				* ### Version 0.0.1
				* Extra methods for Zurb Foundation.
				* @module kafe.ext
				* @class kafe.ext.foundation
				var foundation = {};
				* Custom equalizer binder.
				* @method equalizer
				* @param {Object} options Options
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} options.wrapper Selector of list wrapper having the `data-resize` attribute.
				* @param {String} options.item Selector of item to equalize.
				*	@param {Object} [options.rows] Object of breakpoint classes and number of items per row, 'and up' inheritance
				* @example
				*	  kafe.ext.foundation.equalizer({
				*	    wrapper: $('[data-component="list"]'),
				*	    item:    '[data-component="item"]',
				*	    rows:    {
				*	      medium: 2,
				*	      large:  3
				*	    }
				*	  });
				foundation.equalizer = function(options) {
					var $elementList = $(options.wrapper);
					if ($elementList.length) {
						$elementList.each(function() {
							var $this = $(this);
							var $items = $this.find(options.item);
							if ($items.length > 1) {
								// By rows
								if (options.rows) {
									var max = 'small';
									Foundation.MediaQuery.queries.forEach(function(size) {
										if (options.rows[size.name]) {
											max = size.name;
										} else {
											options.rows[size.name] = options.rows[max];
									var $equalizer = new Foundation.Equalizer($this);
									$this.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', function() {
										var data       = [];
										var itemsByRow = _.chunk(_.flatten($items.toArray()), options.rows[Foundation.MediaQuery.current]);
										itemsByRow.forEach(function(rowItems) {
											var row = [];
											rowItems.forEach(function(item) {
												var $item = $(item);
												$item.css('height', 'auto');
												row.push([item, Math.ceil($item.get(0).offsetHeight)]);
											row.push(_.maxBy(row, 1)[1]);
								// All the same
								} else {
									$items.attr('data-equalizer-watch', '');
									// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
									new Foundation.Equalizer($this);
				return foundation;
			})()}); })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);