

			//= require 'vendor/node_modules/jquery-colorbox/jquery.colorbox'
			(function(global, undefined) { var kafe = global.kafe, $ = kafe.dependencies.jQuery; kafe.bonify({name:'ext.colorbox', version:'1.2.2', obj:(function(){
					_params = {
						theme:        '',
						opacity:      0.5,
						transition:   'none',
						overlayClose: true,
						escKey:       true,
						scrolling:    false
					_open = function(options, obj) {
						options = colorbox.getParams(options);
						if (options.theme) {
							delete options.theme;
						if (obj !== undefined) {
							return $(obj).colorbox(options);
						} else {
				// bind theme changer class removing
				$(document).on('cbox_closed', function(){
						$body = $('body'),
						classes = $body.attr('class') || ''
					classes = classes.toString().split(' ');
					for (var i in classes) {
						if (/^kafecolorbox-theme-/.test(classes[i])) {
				// change controls text
				if (kafe.env.lang === 'fr') {
					$.extend($.colorbox.settings, {
						current:        'image {current} sur {total}',
						previous:       'précédente',
						next:           'suivante',
						close:          'fermer',
						xhrError:       'Impossible de charger ce contenu.',
						imgError:       'Impossible de charger cette image.',
						slideshowStart: 'démarrer la présentation',
						slideshowStop:  'arrêter la présentation'
				* ### Version 1.2.2
				* Extra methods for the colorbox jQuery plugin.
				* @module kafe.ext
				* @class kafe.ext.colorbox
				var colorbox = {};
				* Move the colorbox markup into .NET Webform
				* @method moveInForm
				colorbox.moveInForm = function() {
				* Get the default params with optional extra params.
				* @method getParams
				* @param {Object} [options] Options
				* @return {Object} The default colorbox params.
				colorbox.getParams = function() {
					return $.extend({}, _params, (!!arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : {});
				* Set the default params.
				* @method setParams
				* @param {Object} options Options
				colorbox.setParams = function() {
					$.extend(_params, arguments[0]);
				* Change the default theme, which is a class on the body with the name `kafecolorbox-theme-THEME`.
				* @method changeTheme
				* @param {String} theme Theme name.
				colorbox.changeTheme = function(theme) {
					var $body = $('body');
					if (!$body.hasClass('kafecolorbox-theme-'+theme)) {
						var classes = $body.attr('class') || '';
						classes = classes.toString().split(' ');
						for (var i in classes) {
							if (/^kafecolorbox-theme-/.test(classes[i])) {
				* Calls $.colorbox() with the default params including theme.
				* @method open
				* @param {Object} options The colorbox params.
				colorbox.open = function(options) {
				* Calls $.colorbox() with as content a rendered jsrender tmpl.
				* @method tmpl
				* @param {JSRenderTemplate} tmpl The cached JSRender template.
				* @param {Object} [data] The JSRender template data.
				* @param {Object} [options] The colorbox params.
				colorbox.tmpl = function(tmpl, data, options) {
					options = (!!options) ? options : {};
					$.extend(options, { html:tmpl.render(data) });
				* Calls $.colorbox() with an inline content.
				* @method inline
				* @param {String} selector The content selector.
				* @param {Object} [options] The colorbox params.
				colorbox.inline = function(selector, options) {
					options = (!!options) ? options : {};
					$.extend(options, { inline:true, href:selector });
				* Calls $.colorbox() with an ajax content.
				* @method ajax
				* @param {String} url The content url.
				* @param {Object} [options] The colorbox params.
				colorbox.ajax = function(url, options) {
					options = (!!options) ? options : {};
					$.extend(options, { href:url });
				* Opens a message window with custom buttons.
				* @method dialog
				* @param {String} content Message
				* @param {Array(Object)} [commands] The buttons
				*	@param {String} commands.label The button label
				*	@param {Function} [commands.callback] The callback called on button click, closes the colorbox if not specified
				colorbox.dialog = function( content, commands  ) {
					var html = '<div id="kafecolorbox-dialog">' + content;
					if (commands === undefined || commands.length === 0) {
						commands = [{ label:'OK', callback:function(){ $.colorbox.close(); } }];
					html += '<div class="Commands" style="white-space:nowrap;">';
					$.each(commands, function(i, btn){
						html += '<a href="#" class="Btn">' + btn.label + '</a>';
					html += '</div></div>';
					content = $(html);
					$.each(commands, function(i, btn){
						content.find('.Btn:eq(' + i + ')').on('click', function(e) {
							if (typeof btn.callback === 'function') {
							} else {
				* Simulate a confirm() behavior on a &lt;a&gt; link, using colorbox.dialog().
				* @method confirm
				* @param {String|jQueryObject|DOMElement} selector Link
				* @param {String} message Message
				* @param {String} OKLabel The label for the OK button
				* @param {String} CancelLabel The label for the Cancel button
				colorbox.confirm = function( selector, message, OKLabel, CancelLabel ) {
						$(selector).on('click', function(e) {
							colorbox.dialog( message, [
								{ label:OKLabel , callback: function() {
								{ label:CancelLabel }
				// Add as jQuery plugin
				kafe.fn.plugIntojQuery('Colorbox', {
					* Binds $(selector).colorbox() with the default params including theme.
					* @method $.kafeColorbox('init')
					* @param {Object} [options] The colorbox params.
					* @example
					*	$('.picture').kafeColorbox('init', { theme:'Alternate' })
					'init': function(obj, parameters) {
						return _open(parameters[0], obj);
				return colorbox;
			})()}); })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);